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Friday 9 June 2017

Health benefits of Pumpkin seeds.


              Pumpkin Seeds For Health           

Nature has given us many fruits and vegetables.They are not only tasty to eat but they are of great nutritional values too.

Pumpkin is a vegetable which is always underestimated because we are ignorant of it's benefits and uses.And even it's seeds are good for health too.In the previous article, I have shared about pumpkin uses and now today I am posting here how pumpkin seeds are good and useful to us.

Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita pepo) were first discovered by Mexican archaeologists back in 7,000 B.C. Traditionally, these seeds were used to treat tapeworm infections, and urinary and prostate problems.

And you will get surprised to know that these pumpkin seeds are called superfoods.They contain numerous essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and manganese.They are rich in antioxidants and provide generous amount of vitamins E and A, and contain essential vitamins including vitamin K and B. They also contain adequate quantity of sodium and potassium.

Pumpkin seeds are known as
'Kaddu Ke Beej’ in Hindi, ‘Gummadikaya ginjalu’ in Telugu, ‘Pucani Vitaikal’ in Tamil, ‘Kumbalakayi Binjagalu’ in Kannada, ‘mathangayile Kuru’ in Malayalam, ‘Bhopala Biya’ in Marathi, ‘kola’ in Gujarati, and ‘Kumror Beej’ in Bengali.
Nutrients in pumpkin seeds make them beneficial for the skin, hair, and overall physiological well-being.
For beauty benefits,visit here

So, here are the health benefits of consuming pumpkin seeds and how you can use it.

1). Wound Healing πŸŽƒ

Pumpkin seeds helps in expediting the process of wound healing owing to their rich nutrient content, especially vitamin A and zinc.
For this take pumpkin seeds (roasted/raw/sprouted)Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Vitamin A present in pumpkin seeds can increase the speed of wound healing, according to a study by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.As per the study, a deficiency of vitamin A in the body can stunt its internal repair mechanism, while its supplementation can even restore the repair retarded by steroid intake to normal.

2). Protection From Skin Cancer πŸŽƒ

High amount of sun exposure can lead to skin cancer.Pumpkin seeds lower the risk of skin cancer.
For this enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Studies report that omega-3 supplementation can fight immunosuppression, a phenomenon of reduced immunity against skin cancer caused by sunlight exposure.

3). Boost Immunity πŸŽƒ           

Pumpkin seeds boost immunity.Eat pumpkin seeds on a daily basis.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc,and this makes them help in lowering oxidative stress and the generation of inflammatory cytokines, both of which impede immunity.

4). For Brain Health πŸŽƒ

Neurodegeneration is extremely common among the aged. However, preventing it greatly depends on good lifestyle and dietary habits. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of alpha-linolenic acid (a type of omega-3 acid) that is essential for maintaining brain health.They improves brain health.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day to achieve this.
The Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging reports that polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3, help reduce the speed at which the brain ages and lower the turnover of membrane fatty acids caused by free radical damage.

5). Improves Prostate Health πŸŽƒ

Another health benefit offered by the wonder mineral zinc, abundantly present in pumpkin seeds, is improved prostate health.Consume a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
A study by the Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care suggests that high levels of zinc promote prostate health and lower the incidence of prostate cancer.

6). Helps in Reduction of Postmenopausal Symptoms πŸŽƒ

Postmenopausal women often complain of symptoms like hot flashes, headaches, and joint pains. Pumpkin seeds are beneficial in providing relief from these symptoms.
Take Pumpkin seed oil/capsules
And Drizzle a teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in your salads.
Alternatively, take the recommended dosage of pumpkin seed oil supplements every day.

According to a study by Climacteric, pumpkin seed oil is rich in phytoestrogens that, apart from reducing the prevalence of postmenopausal symptoms, also increase the levels of HDL cholesterol.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Consult your doctor about the recommended dosage of pumpkin seed oil or supplements.

7). Improve Digestive Health πŸŽƒ

A diet rich in fiber is essential in keeping your gut in good shape. Pumpkin seeds are a great fiber source.Take a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day in required amount only.
Fiber aids regular bowel movements and prevents conditions like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal disease, and high cholesterol.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Avoid overindulging in pumpkin seeds as they are high in calories. Ensure that the pumpkin seeds are fresh and chew them properly to avoid indigestion.

8). Help in Diabetes πŸŽƒ

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent modern day health problems. The good part, however, is that you can prevent it with the right food and lifestyle choices, such as including pumpkin seeds in your diet.Eat a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day
One study found that pumpkin seeds possess hypoglycemic properties that can aid glycemic control, and thus help prevent diabetes.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Always consult your doctor about the recommended dosage of pumpkin seeds. Chew the pumpkin seeds properly before ingesting and ensure that they are fresh.

9). Improve Cardiovascular Health πŸŽƒ

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that is vital for improved cardiovascular function.Consume a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
As per a study by the Journal of American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, a diet high in magnesium helps lower the risk of coronary heart diseases in men significantly.A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds accounts for almost half of your daily recommended intake of magnesium.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
If you are taking warfarin, consult your doctor before including pumpkin seeds in your diet.

10). Lower Anxiety πŸŽƒ

Given the fast-paced and competitive nature of life today, anxiety and stress have become common problems faced by people. Pumpkin seeds, yet again, work their magic by inducing a state of calmness.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Pumpkin seeds contain the amino acid L-tryptophan that helps in the synthesis of serotonin, a chemical that enhances mood and prevents depression. The University of Michigan Health System reports that L-tryptophan also induces peaceful sleep.

11). Prevent Bladder Stones πŸŽƒ

Another health benefit provided by pumpkin seeds is their activity against bladder stones.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.
A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that pumpkin seed supplementation in boys aged 2-7 years saw a decrease in the calcium oxalate crystal occurrence, owing to their high phosphorous content.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Be cautious while offering pumpkin seeds to a child; if not chewed on properly, they could choke him.

12). Improve Vision πŸŽƒ

Your eyes are one of your most precious assets and protecting them is your duty. Including pumpkin seeds in your daily diet is a great way to improve your vision.Eat a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.
Pumpkin seeds contain generous doses of vitamin A (almost twice your daily recommended intake). The National Institutes of Health reports that vitamin A improves vision, especially in dim light. Vitamin A enhances skin health as well.

13). Treat Arthritis πŸŽƒ

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of joints, and it worsens with age. Studies suggest that pumpkin seeds can also help in the treatment of this condition.Take Pumpkin seed oil/capsules.Drizzle a teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in your salads.
Alternatively, take the recommended dosage of pumpkin seed oil supplements every day.
In an animal study conducted by Pharmacology Research, it was found that the anti-inflammatory properties of pumpkin seed oil helped reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis (16). The study reported that the effect of pumpkin seed oil was far more favorable than the anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Consult your doctor about the recommended dosage of pumpkin seed oil or supplements.

14). Fight Parasites πŸŽƒ

Pumpkin seeds also possess remarkable anti-parasitic benefits.
Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Pumpkin seeds provide a defensive barrier against pathogens that can cause numerous infections, some of which can even be life-threatening. A study conducted by the Journal of Gastroenterology of Peru reported the intestinal anti-parasitic benefits of pumpkin seeds.

15). Boost Energy πŸŽƒ

Looking for the perfect snack to give yourself an energy boost? Pumpkin seeds are here to the rescue.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds on daily basis.
Pumpkin seeds, being rich in iron and proteins, act as a great source of energy. They make an excellent pre-workout snack as opposed to sugary nutrition bars that give short spurts of energy.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Avoid overindulging in pumpkin seeds as they are high in calories and can lead to unwanted weight gain.

16). Improve Sexual Health πŸŽƒ

There are numerous libido-boosting drugs out there in the market, but nothing beats natural measures like pumpkin seeds.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Regular intake of pumpkin seeds helps improve prostate health, an essential factor for improved male sexual health. Pumpkin seeds also improve hormonal function in men. The amino acid myosin, contained in pumpkin seeds, is important for muscular contractions.

17). Boost Bone Strength πŸŽƒ

With age, many women and men become susceptible to declining bone health. Turns out that increased bone density is another area where pumpkin seeds work their magic.
Eat a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Calcium isn’t the only nutrient essential for building healthy bones. There are a lot of other vitamins and minerals that are necessary for enhancing bone mineral density. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of magnesium, zinc, vitamin K, and numerous other bone-boosting nutrients that help lower the risk of osteoporosis.

18). Lower LDL Cholesterol πŸŽƒ

Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols in large amounts and are thus helpful in managing cholesterol.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Pumpkin seeds are among one of the best sources of phytosterols in the seeds and nuts family. 100 gm of pumpkin seeds contains 260 mg of phytosterols. As per a study by the Current Opinion in Lipidology, phytosterols help lower the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases.
If your doctor has prescribed warfarin, consult him before including pumpkin seeds in your diet.

19). Help Regulate Blood Pressure πŸŽƒ

Hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart diseases in people. Pumpkin seeds are a great addition to the diets of those with a history of high blood pressure.Consume a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Pumpkin seeds are low in sodium and high in potassium and magnesium, making them the perfect dietary inclusion to help regulate blood pressure.

20). Fight Breast Cancer πŸŽƒ

It fights against breast cancer.As you know,cancer is caused when tumor cells starts growing deliberately.Pumpkin seeds helps in fighting breast cancer.
Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
As per a study conducted by Nutrition and Cancer, the phytoestrogens extracted from pumpkin seeds display significant activity against breast cancer tumor cells. Pumpkin seeds are thus highly useful in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

21). Relieve Urinary Incontinence πŸŽƒ

Numerous studies conducted both on animals and humans have found the salutary activity of pumpkin seeds in providing relief from overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.
Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
The water-soluble part of the pumpkin seeds helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that tend to lose tone and become weak as women age. This is often a result of reduced levels of estrogen caused by menopause. Weakened pelvic floor muscles cause urinary incontinence.

22). Balance The Body’s pH Levels πŸŽƒ

When your body is too acidic, you face an increased risk of chronic illnesses like osteoporosis, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, etc. It is, therefore, important that your diet comprises of enough alkaline foods to help your body maintain equilibrium at a pH of 7.635.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
Pumpkin seeds are one of the best alkaline-forming foods that you should include in your diet.

23). Reduce The Incidence Of Anemia Caused By Iron Deficiency πŸŽƒ

Pumpkin seeds, being an excellent source of iron, help lower the risk of iron-deficiency anemia.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
A study conducted by BioFactors found that consumption of iron-rich foods like pumpkin seeds helps improve iron status in kids, adolescents, women of childbearing age and pregnant women. This makes them an excellent dietary supplement to reduce the risk of anemia caused by iron deficiency.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
If you have an iron deficiency, make sure you consult your doctor about your ideal daily dosage of pumpkin seeds.

24). Eases Insomnia πŸŽƒ

Insomnia is sleep deprivation. It is caused due to a lesser secretion of serotonin in the human body. Serotonin is the rest hormone of the human body that induces the feeling of well being. Pumpkin seed oil contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is easily broken down to serotonin in the human body. Thus, it induces peaceful sleep. This is why pumpkin seed oil is an amazing therapy for people suffering from depression, anxiety and sleeplessness.

Caution πŸ’€πŸ’€
Here are a few considerations you should keep in mind before indulging in pumpkin seeds:

25). Keep You Full For Long πŸŽƒ

Keep the high-sugar snacks aside and grab a fistful of healthful pumpkin seeds.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.

The high fiber content in pumpkin seeds makes them a great addition to your morning breakfast. They induce the feeling of fullness for long periods and keep you from snacking pointlessly.

26). Weight Loss πŸŽƒ

It helps in weight loss.
Enjoy a handful of pumpkin seeds daily.
As described above,it keeps you full for long and hence, you don't feel hungry.

27). Lower The Risk Of All-Cause Mortality πŸŽƒ

Pumpkin seeds also help lower the risk of all-cause mortality.Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.

The magnesium contained in pumpkin seeds works its magic yet again. As per a study by Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), a high intake of magnesium is associated with a 40% reduction in all-cause mortality and death from cardiovascular disease. Magnesium even helps with a 50% reduction in death caused by cancer.

Enjoy a handful of raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.

The high fiber content in pumpkin seeds makes them a great addition to your morning breakfast. They induce the feeling of fullness for long periods and keep you from snacking pointlessly.

 The Risk Of Allergies & Side effects Of Pumpkim Seeds :-

* πŸŽƒπŸ’€Though pumpkin seed allergies are rare, their occurrence is still possible. If you experience symptoms such as swelling, rashes on the skin, nasal congestion, or breathing trouble on consumption of pumpkin seeds, consult your GP immediately. If you’ve previously experienced allergic reactions to seeds and nuts, especially from the Anacardiaceae family, exercise caution before including pumpkin seeds in your diet.

* πŸŽƒπŸ’€Indigestion And Stomach Ache:  Though pumpkin seeds are extremely high in fiber, chewing them can get a little tough, and can thus lead to indigestion by irritating your esophageal lining. It is, therefore, important that you chew pumpkin seeds well before swallowing them. One of the best ways to avoid indigestion is to supplement their intake with a lot of water. Water helps drive both soluble and insoluble fiber to your intestinal tract, thereby aiding bowel movements and preventing indigestion.

*πŸŽƒπŸ’€ Increased Incidence Of Diarrhea:  Since pumpkin seeds are packed with high quantities of fiber, eating too much of them can result in diarrhea. Keep your intake of pumpkin seeds
*πŸŽƒπŸ’€Migraine Trigger: Migraines are painful headaches often triggered by lifestyle and dietary choices. There are cases of people reporting pumpkin seeds as a trigger to migraine headaches. If you are susceptible to migraines, consult your doctor before including them in your diet. It’s, however, unlikely to develop a migraine from consuming pumpkin seeds.

* πŸŽƒπŸ’€Food Poisoning: Eating rotten pumpkin seeds can increase the formation of free radicals in your body, which defeats the purpose of including them in your diet. Be extremely careful and particular about consuming only fresh pumpkin seeds.

* πŸŽƒπŸ’€Choking Hazard For Infants And Pets:  By all means, avoid offering shelled pumpkin seeds to your infant or your pets as they can choke on them.
(Source :- Health Magazine )


            A Post By Admin.

Author - Swatti Sharrma ß


Disclaimer - This blog is not intended as advice or prescription.It doesn't claim or guarantee any favorable change.Use info on your own risk and wisdom.Results vary from person to person depending on health conditions.Consult doctor if required or before taking any supplement or consuming anything.This blog will not be responsible for any damage caused to you using info.

Swatti Sharrma ß

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